Semiconductor Devices Lab

Associated Faculty & Staff

Prof. N V L Narasimha Murty
 Mr. Pujari Dinesh Khanna

Location: Room No: 330, 3rd Floor, Academic Building-1.

About the Lab:

The Semiconductor Devices Lab was established in the year of 2018. The lab primarily caters to the needs of undergraduate, master and doctoral students in the broad area of Semiconductor Devices and Nanoelectronics.

List of the Equipment(s):

■ Table top wirebonder (Bench-top thermosonics wire bonder for Wedge 7 Ball bounds)
■ Table top DC/RF sputtering unit with accessories
■ Gas test chamber
■ Bench top Oven
■ Hot Plate with Magnetic stirrer
■ Semiconductor parameter analyzer
■ Mercury probe station with accessories
■ Clean room compatible wet chemical bench
■ Ultrasonic bath with heater mech basket
■ Water purification system
■ Spin coating unit with UV Curing system
■ Thermal evaporation system tailored for organic thin films
■ Table top wirebonder (Bench-top thermosonics wire bonder for Wedge 7 Ball bounds)
■ Table top DC/RF sputtering unit with accessories
■ Gas test chamber
■ Bench top Oven
■ Hot Plate with Magnetic stirrer
■ Semiconductor parameter analyzer
■ Mercury probe station with accessories
■ Clean room compatible wet chemical bench
■ Ultrasonic bath with heater mech basket
■ Water purification system
■ Spin coating unit with UV Curing system
■ Thermal evaporation system tailored for organic thin films

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Developed by Dept. of Electrical Engineering, IIT Tirupati.